Blog moved elsewhere
I moved this blog to another site.
New blog is here:
Everything from now on will be posted on this ↑↑↑ new address.
You can also find all the old articles on the new address as well.
There are two reasons for leaving Cocolog:
1. I found managing blog on Cocolog inconvenient and posting new articles time consuming (basic layout problems like spacing between paragraphs not automatically reflected in final article; cumbersome photo management etc).
2. Cocolog is inherently designed to be used within Japan. It does not assume posting in any other language than Japanese. It does not assume the blog could be viewed in countries other than Japan. This results in several inconveniences, such as access statistics only showing views within Japan, not from around the world. It's not world-wide but Japan-wide. Which is quite narrow.
I hope Cocolog will once decide to fix these issues. Until then, see you on another platform!
« Chickens flying | トップページ | ブログを 引っ越しました »
「2. About solar sharing」カテゴリの記事
- Blog moved elsewhere(2015.06.12)
- ブログを 引っ越しました(2015.06.12)
- Smart Life Power Plant in Shizuoka(2014.08.07)
- Nishigoya Opening ceremony 2013/10/27(2013.11.04)
- The Inventor(2013.11.02)
「1. About our project」カテゴリの記事
- Blog moved elsewhere(2015.06.12)
- ブログを 引っ越しました(2015.06.12)
- Chickens flying(2015.06.01)
- Chickens arrived!(2015.05.12)
- Power generation - performance report(2015.04.24)
「3. Other topics」カテゴリの記事
- Blog moved elsewhere(2015.06.12)
- ブログを 引っ越しました(2015.06.12)
- "Mega solar" construction regulated to protect scenery: Yufu(2014.01.31)
- Solar Award 2013(2013.12.23)
- Tamaden: Can community solar power plants be successful for-profits?(2013.12.18)
「4. うちのプロジェクト」カテゴリの記事
- Blog moved elsewhere(2015.06.12)
- ブログを 引っ越しました(2015.06.12)
- 発電・売電が始まりました!(2014.12.01)
- パネルの回転システムが完成しました(2014.11.24)
- おお発電所 ロードマップ更新 3(2014.11.18)
「5. ソーラーシェアリングについて」カテゴリの記事
- Blog moved elsewhere(2015.06.12)
- ブログを 引っ越しました(2015.06.12)
- スマートライフ発電所 @ 静岡県(2014.08.04)
「6. その他」カテゴリの記事
- Blog moved elsewhere(2015.06.12)
- ブログを 引っ越しました(2015.06.12)
- メガソーラーによる景観破壊を防止する条例 @大分県由布市(2014.01.29)